
Yellowstone - Mammoth Hot Springs

Yellowstone 170927-171005

 Mammoth Hot Springs

Lots of images today again. This will be the last post for the trip to Yellowstone and Teaton. I went to see Yellowstone Hot Springs again. Now I have seen it! And a lot more. I´m satisfied. I have shared a lot, yet I only saw a fraction of all that there is to see. If you have the time. 
Hope you all liked my images of nature and wildlife in one of Our Worlds Wonders, a very colorful and hot place! 

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© NF Photos 171003

Thanks Yellowstone!
© NF Photos 171004

Linking up with: WATW   Our World Tuesday

Image file For Yellowstone trip
Instagram  Travels and Birds



Yellowstone - Norris

Yellowstone 170927-171005

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NatureFootstep - Monica

The flat area above in hailstorm

 NatureFootstep - Monica

the area to the right of the view in first image
© NF Photos 171001

One of the hottest places in Yellowstone and we got a hailstorm!

Linking up with: WATW   Our World Tuesday   

Image file For Yellowstone trip
Instagram  Travels and Birds


Yellowstone Grand Canyon Lower falls

Yellowstone 170927-171005

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Yellowstone Grand Canyon and Lower falls
© NF Photos 171001

Very colorful and very beautiful. 

Linking up with: WATW   Our World Tuesday   

Image file For Yellowstone trip
Instagram  Travels and Birds


Yellowstone Mud Volcano and Sulphur Caldron

Yellowstone 170927-171005

This post has a lot of images. Just because I think this place is so beautiful. And constantly changing. There are a little frost in the grass adding to the beauty, in my opinion :)

You can see a lot of bubbles in the pools. It sounds like when pouring soda in a glass. Made me giggle. To really get a feel for the images. Pour up a Glass of Coke and eat a hard boiled egg. That will give you the sound and the smell. And you need some fireworks too. 
Now, enjoy the shots. 

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Yellowstone Mud Volcano and Sulphur Caldron
© NF Photos 171001

Mud Volcano and Sulphur Caldron 
Mud Volcano Trip adviser

Linking up with: WATW   Our World Tuesday   

Image file For Yellowstone trip
Instagram  Travels and Birds


Yellowstone Upper Geyser Basin and Old Faithful

Yellowstone 170927-171005

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© NF Photos 170930 Upper Geyser Basin and  Old Faithful, Yellowstone

The famous place where Old Faithful is located and the first place recognized by authorities.
We stayed two nights in one of the hotels but rarely saw the area. The images here are from our first night and it was raining. We had about 45 min to see it. At least we did see Old Faithful erupt. Then it was time for dinner.

Next day was no time at all in the Upper Geyser Basin. It was a disappointment but from the overlook I could see it was not that interesting. At least that is what I tell myself. But the next day had mush other thing to share. Will be seen in next post.

Linking up with: WATW   Our World Tuesday 

Image file For Yellowstone trip
Instagram  Travels and Birds