
Yellowstone Bighorn - Tjockhornsfår

Yellowstone 170927-171005

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Bighorn - Tjockhornsfår
© NF Photos 171002, Cody

I´m not sure if these were considered wild animals. They were in what seemed to be a fenced area. Or, maybe just shielded from the road.

Linking up with: Saturdays Critters

Image file For Yellowstone trip
Instagram  Travels and Birds


  1. Hello!:) Beautiful captures of these interesting critters, and it's always nice to see a young one, but their horns don't seem very big, to be so named. Perhaps they grow larger with age!!!

  2. Hello, they are neat critters. I missed seeing the Bighorn sheep in Yellowstone. Great photos. Thank you so much for linking up your post. I appreciate your visit and comment too. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  3. Wonderful photos of the bighorn!

  4. I LOVE Big Horned Sheep and have been fortunate enough to see them a few times on our travels. These are so beautiful~


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