
Yellowstone - Mammoth Hot Springs

Yellowstone 170927-171005

 Mammoth Hot Springs

Lots of images today again. This will be the last post for the trip to Yellowstone and Teaton. I went to see Yellowstone Hot Springs again. Now I have seen it! And a lot more. I´m satisfied. I have shared a lot, yet I only saw a fraction of all that there is to see. If you have the time. 
Hope you all liked my images of nature and wildlife in one of Our Worlds Wonders, a very colorful and hot place! 

click photo to view with Lightbox

© NF Photos 171003

Thanks Yellowstone!
© NF Photos 171004

Linking up with: WATW   Our World Tuesday

Image file For Yellowstone trip
Instagram  Travels and Birds



Yellowstone - Norris

Yellowstone 170927-171005

click photo to view with Lightbox

NatureFootstep - Monica

The flat area above in hailstorm

 NatureFootstep - Monica

the area to the right of the view in first image
© NF Photos 171001

One of the hottest places in Yellowstone and we got a hailstorm!

Linking up with: WATW   Our World Tuesday   

Image file For Yellowstone trip
Instagram  Travels and Birds