
Japan 160121-22 Katrineholm to Arlanda airport - an adventure in itself

Japan 160122-160204
Bird Photography trip day one!

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© NF Photos 160121 and 160122

Katrineholm to Arlanda airport - an adventure in itself

I had tickets for a train in the afternoon. As usual I took an earlier bus downtown. As usual I had my little camera in the pocket and took some photos of the, still up, Christmas decorations. In the tunnel I checked up the timetable of the trains. Crap, my train was cancelled! What am I supposed to do now? The ticket office was still open so I went there. The woman told me there had been an incident with  smoke detected in a train. And that effected the entire region. Lots of trains cancelled or very late.

In a way I was lucky being early to the station. An earlier train, that was 1,5h late, was arriving a bit later so I could jump on that one. A tall man helped me with my suitcase. It turned out he was from Syria and could not speak English. But he was accompanied by a Somalian man who helped him out. The three of us communicated with hands and feet :)  That went well.

When I arrived to the station in Södertälje where my daughter lives the escalator was out of order. I went for the lift and found it all dead! Back at the escalator I had to carry the luggage down 2 floors. Not fun, but in the end it turned out I got to my daughter 15 min ahead of schedule. Despite everything. So I could spend the evening with her and her husband to be.

In the morning she drew me to Arlanda where I met the rest of the group that would start the trip from there.

On the highway through Stockholm I spotted a beautiful sun halo and managed to get some shots through the car window. 

And also a shot of the beautiful skyscraper north of Stockholm. Victoria Tower, the highest building in Stockholm. 

It is really great to be a passenger, take a look! I could even talk to my granddaughter that is studying in Honolulu. 

Linking up with:   Skywatch Friday

22/1: Resdag. Flyg från Stockholm/Köpenhamn via Frankfurt

23/1: Ankomst Tokyo, natt där
Idag väntar en lång resdag, som tar oss via Frankfurt där gruppen sammanstrålar och sedan vidare över många tidszoner österut, innan vi landar i Tokyo på lördag lunchtid lokal tid (tidig morgon svensk tid). I Tokyo tar vi in på hotell i väntan på vidare flyg söderut till ön Kyushu på söndag, då fotograferingen äntligen kan påbörjas.

Japan on NF Photo  NF Birds around the world   


  1. A great adventure indeed!! Love your captures for the day!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Great sun halo and also sun reflection on that building! Hope your trip continues a little more smoothly!

  3. That is some story. I love the part where you were talking with your hands and feet. Your sky shot are beautiful especially the first one of the sun halo. That is a first for me. It’s so pretty. Glad you made it safe and sound, but I sure feel for you with your suitcase and two floors of a dead escalator. UGH!

  4. Sounds like you stayed positive in spite of challenges. Personally I am losing my patience for travel.


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