
Yellowstone 170929 Mormon Row Historic District

Yellowstone 170927-171005

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The place mostly visited by tourists above

 A village on the other side of the road

And I found some nice frosted grass to capture

© NF Photos 170929

This post is dedicated to our visit to:
Mormon Row Historic District

More images fom that day on my diary post HERE

Linking up with: Sky Watch Friday   Barns Collective

Image file For Yellowstone trip
Instagram  Travels and Birds


  1. Hello, these are all lovely images. The Tetons are gorgeous mountains. The first two and the last one of the grasses are my favorites. Enjoy your day and the the weekend ahead.

  2. Wow, gorgeous! The photos would stand alone on their own, but with the Tetons as a backdrop they are awe-inspiring!

  3. So beautiful place. Awesome photos.
    Loved the post.

  4. looks deserted,anyone still living there?

  5. I love Mormon Row. My mother's family has a ranch on the other side of the Tetons with much the same kind of barns (nowhere near the background though). I can't wait to get back to Mormon row and take some more photos. Yours are wonderful.

  6. Thanks!
    Yogi, I would have loved seeing it in the evening :)

  7. ...thanks for taking me out west, gorgeous sights. The snow capped peaks made a wonderful backdrop. I hope that you will have another barn of two to share in the future.

  8. Well done! Beautiful shots! The mountains towering over the barns are wonderful. Happy Sunday!

  9. Beautiful scenery!
    Hope you are having a wonderful week-end!

  10. Beautiful place for beauriful photos. But last one is may favaurite... great captured.

  11. Beautiful views! Cannit pick a favorit,


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