
120628 Skottland-Scotland , day 5 Thursday, Arran

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120628 Thursday, day 5
Woke up 5.00. Checked my mail around 6.3o. It´s been heavy rain during the night. We were supposed to meet at 7.00 As it was till raining Ola did not want to go out and it was only me and Annevi and her husband at the door. The three of us took a stroll along the bay in Locrantza. We headed out to a ruin where we saw some Eurasian Oystercatchers (strandskata) with chicks. There seem to be a lot of them here in Scotland. We also saw two Black Guillemots (Tobisgrissla). That is a beautiful one. :)

After strolling at the shore for a while we turned and went north and out to the ferry berth.  It is just a small one here taking maybe 10 cars.
(tobisgrissla, strandskateungar,mås, hussvala, rödhake)

8.30, breakfast. And that took a long time as it was served by one and only one chef.
After breakfast we left at 9.15. Driving "The string road"

 First we went uphill to see if there was any eagles and deers. During the asent it started to rain. And momentarily very heavy. We did see some deers but just barely. It was to much rain to get to se them properly. Ola decided it to be a safety hazard so we turned a´round and went back to the main road by the sea. Ola does not drive today, his roommate does.

Back at the shore we was stoped by some bikers. They were looking at three otters swimming close to shore and then entering it. People were quite excited about it. Especially when it turned out to be a young among them. But that one was hard to spot.

We birded for a while a bit more south at Kilbrannan Sound on Arrans westcoast but the weather was still troublesome. But I did get some great shots. :)

Around 12.30 we came into a community and stoped to bird for a while as the rain had stoped. I think I heard a black cap but I AM NOT SURE. Then we headed into Killoch hotel  for lunch. I took sandwiches and it was not good.

We followed the coast to the southern part of Arran and there it stoped. More rain,  not fun at all. People started to doze off in the car. On the way back at the north coast of the island somebody spotted a whale, everyone was excited. Even the sun came out for a while.

At 17.10 we arrived at the local destillary, the smallest one in Scotland. Arran Destillery. But we were too late for a tour so we could only buy something. I bought two almanacks for next year and a whisky licour. The sun was now shining and we saw some trush on the lawn. I think it is a Song Trush.

Coming back to the hotel I took a new walk to the south. Passing the ruins looking for birds but did not find anything. I was back at the hotel in time for dinner at seven. Chicken as usual,  and now I write, checking the shots and getting dry.

120627-28 Lochranza Hotel, Lochranza Arran http://www.lochranzahotel.co.uk/
Tomorrow morning we leave early with the ferry. Luggage ready to load at 8.00. Then breakfast.

Middag ingår i resans pris.
Mer om Skottland på NF Photo  Fågelarter
More about Scotland on NF Photo  Bird species  
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  1. ojoj .. så du har varit i skottland ..det har jag missat..men det är ju inte så konstigt förstås då jag inte är inne på min blogg så mycket just nu :) Det måste ha varit en jätte häftig upplevelse att få vara där :)

  2. Such beautiful scenery and you managed to capture a otter. How wonderful!

  3. Great sequence!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. Wonderful set of photos and I do love the otter! Beautiful scenery indeed! Have a great week!

  5. What a pity the weather wasn't good, I am amazed you got so many good photos despite the atrocious weather.

  6. Thanks for sharing your journal throughout the day! Hope you like rain:) Love the stream near the road, and your last pic is very creative! Hope you'll get to see the sun shine too!

  7. Ah! the rain ... sometimes it never stops. Great that you could see otters in their natural habitat.

  8. Beautiful scenery and wildlife -- despite the rain!

  9. Wonderful trip report. Sounds like a great place to do some birding. Great photos, thanks for sharing your trip.

  10. Å så vackra bilder från skottland! Måste ha varit underbart att besöka :)

  11. those are beautiful pictures...so peaceful and so relaxing :-) never been to Scotland though my Mom-in-law is originally from their :-) Dropping by from Tuesday Travels :-)

  12. What lovely shots!

  13. Wonderful photo essay of nature sens!

    Cheers … visiting from Our World Tuesday

    Tito Eric

  14. Despite the weather you have a beautiful series of images here.


  15. Even though you were dodging rain, you still managed some gorgeous photos! specially love the rocky beach view in the last photo and the ncute little otter!

  16. Beautiful shots! What is that reddish/brownish thing on the stones? Very interesting! ^_^ Thanks for joining Water World Wednesday

  17. very beautiful place..:)

    Dropping by from Water World Wednesday…Man Made Pond

  18. I love seeing the otter :)

    stone fence is beautiful, they're my favorite

  19. What beautiful captures of mood, scenery, textures and contrasts.

  20. I like that first photo, very scenic scotland. thank you for sharing. sorry for the very late visit from TT: http://www.memorylanebymel.com/memory-lane-monday-27-clinton-square-park-travels-at-syracuse-part-1/


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