Japan 160122-160204
Bird Photography trip
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© NF Photos 160127
An early breakfast again today as we were due to leave the hotel at 7.45, with all luggage. Ms Harumi Yamanaka led us to the waiting bus that would take us across the main island of Honshu to the Mountain Lodge and the Snow Monkey park at the Kambayashi Onsen i Nagano Prefecture.
Travelling out of Tokyo we had a beautiful view of Mt Fuji at several points. It was a beautiful, sunny and crystal clear day. It was beautiful landscape all the way across the Honshu island.
Reaching the Onsen we left our suitcases at the nearby hotel and took what we needed for two nights in our backpacks. There was a path about 2 km long that we had to walk to get to the Mountain Lodge and there was no lights. But it was a beautiful walk in the middle of a hillside. But easy enough to walk. We got to the lodge safely and was greeted by a few Makaks that was heading in the opposite direction for night shelter.
Bird Photography trip
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This image is from the airport on the way to the bus. You can see Mt Fuji in the distance and a moon over the building to the right.
Behind the huge fence and building tower Mt Fuji is seen.
A stop at a market for shopping and toilet Mt Fuji is still seen. But this was the last view of it. Now we headed inland toward the other coast. Two of my travel companions is standing there.
During the travel we made a stop at the beautiful Matsumoto Castle. One of the few remaining original castles in Japan. It is located in a beautiful surrounded with a moat. There was some ducks swimming and a couple of swans. The snow on the ground and the mountains as backdrop added to the beauty.
We made another stop for buying lunch and using needed facilities and then continued.We had to reach the Kambayashi Onsen at least an hour before nightfall.
After getting our rooms it was still some daylight so I could go out to take a look at the surrounding.
There was a hot water geyser and a river just outside the lodge.
Very beautiful area indeed.
The dinner was again the Japanese setting.
The Lodge is hand built with lots of cool details. In the wilderness ,as it was, the water supply and electricity was scarce. And you could not turn of the water, they kept it running so it should not freeze. No shower today as the water was cold and the Onsen very small.
A bit cold but the bedding, Japanese style, is great. And I realized the paper doors are great for stopping the cold. Never would have believed that. Went to bed after the dinner and slept well.
Mountain Lodge close to the Jigokudani Monkey Park
Japan on NF Photo NF Birds around the world
Labels: Resor, travel, trip, journey, Sverige, Sweden, sky, photo, photography, Monica Johansson, NatureFootstep, nfphoto, NF_photo, nature, natur, fågelskådning, birding, resa, travel, photo, bird, fågel, Japan, Honshu, Jigokudani Monkey Park, Kambayashi Onsen i Nagano Prefecture, Matsumoto Castle, Mountain Lodge, Tokyo,
27/1: Buss genom centrala Honshu mot Kambayashi Onsen, med stopp
vid Matsumoto Castle.
längs vinterleden upp till Jigokudani Monkey Park. Natt på lodgen intill
Idag har vi främst haft en transportdag, med buss från
Tokyo till Kambayashi Onsen i Nagano Prefecture, där vi ska fotografera de
badande japanska makakerna hela dagen i morgon. Bussen tog oss från
Hanedaflygplatsen via de södra delarna av Tokyo och in genom de centrala
delarna av huvudön Honshu. Vi bjöds på en kristallklar och vacker vårvinterdag.
Under resan gjorde vi ett stopp vid det fina Matsumoto Castle, ett av få kvarvarande originalslott i Japan. Slottet ligger vackert beläget och vi kunde få fina foton där det reflekteras i sin vallgrav, med snöklädda berg som bakgrund.
Så småningom nådde vi fram till Kambayashi Onsen där vi vandrade upp längs vinterleden till den bergslodeg där vi ska bo, just intill Jigokudani Monkey Park. Totalt orädda och mycket charmiga japanska makaker hälsade oss välkomna.
Under resan gjorde vi ett stopp vid det fina Matsumoto Castle, ett av få kvarvarande originalslott i Japan. Slottet ligger vackert beläget och vi kunde få fina foton där det reflekteras i sin vallgrav, med snöklädda berg som bakgrund.
Så småningom nådde vi fram till Kambayashi Onsen där vi vandrade upp längs vinterleden till den bergslodeg där vi ska bo, just intill Jigokudani Monkey Park. Totalt orädda och mycket charmiga japanska makaker hälsade oss välkomna.
Hello, beautiful post on your visit to Japan. The castle is lovely, beautiful scenery. I could never take a cold shower. Did you see monkeys? Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
ReplyDeleteOh what a lovely trip.
ReplyDeleteWorth a Thousand Words
What a lovely trip, i am a bit envious as i haven't been to Japan. It is near us, i wonder why i still didn't have the opportunity to go there, maybe because it is too expensive if it is not on official trip.
ReplyDeleteWonderful vistas in every direction .... a photographers dream-land.
ReplyDeleteJust lovely!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderfully remote and beautiful. I can't wait to see your post on the monkeys ... your trip was more fruitful than mine when it comes to nature. There were birds everywhere in Thailand, but the canopy was so thick that you could only hear them. Sadly I come home with only a few bird pictures. Your picture, on the other hand, are awesome :)
ReplyDeleteAndrea @ From The Sol
That must have been a very picturesque walk to the lodge and an interesting experience.
ReplyDeleteWould you recommend visiting Japan in the Winter? #OurWorldTuesday #GreyWorldNomads